Moshe Warents Presents… A Cheesecake Dilemma

The dilemma: Moshe lifted his fork filled with delicious cheese cake and begun to make his brocha. The problem was, is wasn’t so long ago that Moshe eat fleishigs. As soon as the words left his mouth he realized he was still fleishig, what is he to do now?
He should do as follows:
1) If there were other non-dairy foods in front of him (which have the same brocha) when he originally recited his brocha, he should eat the non-dairy food, and thus avoid having to eat dairy while he is still fleishig.
2) If there were no other foods in front of him (i.e., he cannot switch the brocha to cover another food) he should quickly wipe his mouth from any residue of meat, and eat a tiny piece of the cheese cake in order to save himself from having to say a brocha in vain.
Good Shabbos, Moshe