25 Oct start 17.34 / end 18.38 Bereishit
1 Nov start 16.20 / end 17.25 Noach

all Shabbat times (login required)


Sha'rit: 1# 7:00/ 2# 7:55
Mincha & Ma'ariv 19:00


8 Nov start 16.07 / end 17.14 Lech Lecha
15 Nov start 15.56 / end 17.04 Vayera

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Mazel Tov to…

  • Mandy and Kevin Goodman on the engagement of their granddaughter Esti Manson (London) to Monish Shoichet
  • Gillian and Stuart Landes on the engagement of their daughter Nadine to Alex Kingsley.
  • Jan and Sylvia Showman on Jan’s 2nd Bar Mitzvah
  • Suzanne and Irving Modlin on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Lily to Lewis Silver
  • Eve and Harry Bailey on the birth of a great granddaughter Sienna, a daughter to Rachel and Oliver Levy
  • Judith and David Phillips together with Fay Phillips on the forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their grandson and great grandson Yedidyah Phillips, son of Alex and Gila


Whitefield Shul were delighted to host the Chief Rabbi recently for a meeting with the Rabbinical Council of the Provinces 01-12-2022

ephraim malki guttentag
Our Rabbinic couple
Rabbi Ephraim & Rebbetzen Malk

Introducing your Kesher Network

Kesher Connect is here for all our members wellbeing and welfare.
Let us know if you are interested in volunteering.
WELLBEING: If you or someone you know could do with a bit of assistance don't hesitate to get in touch.

Shopping assistance/visiting

Both during the pandemic and in normal times, a number of members have difficulty getting out, or need to isolate.
This can be for a variety or reasons, whether its health or age related.

Can you pop to the shops?

Could you pop in to say Hello?

Welcoming Team

A friendly face and an open door

is a great way to welcome an individual or a family who are thinking of joining WHC.

Whether its sitting down for a chat over coffee to share the “inside track’ about Whitefield, or hosting new members over a Friday night Shabbat meal… this the TEAM for YOU?

Visiting /Telephone Befriending / Meal delivery

Assistance is required in visiting members who have unfortunately become unwell and ensure they are not forgotten.

To help people with their household or religious needs who cannot manage on their own please get in touch.

Prayers "Tefillah"

Thanks to our many dedicated “minyan makers”, the shul successfully held Morning, Afternoon and Evening prayers each day throughout the challenging Covid period (when the shul was permitted to open).

Please consider joining our rota, just commit one service a week!

In a large community everyone assumes someone else is stepping in, the result is... no-one does!

We also need people who can lead prayers in shiva houses.

Kiddush Team

The in-person Shabbat Kiddush is making a comeback !

Post-pandemic regulations mean we need to organise Kiddushim differently.
Ensuring Covid-safety will take many more hands.

Everyone loves a great Kiddush... so join our teams !

Youth Centre - Help us Re-open

The success of our Youth Centre for the past 20 years has been through a succession of parent volunteers. 

You - the community members - have made that success.

The end of lockdown means we can now re-open. 

If you have young children of primary school age, get involved and help us build on that past success AGAIN !


Help Mychiel !

be our


  • Articles
  • Listing events
  • Proof-reading
  • Getting WHC in the papers 


Take the weight off the Shul Office!

help ideas come to fruition

make sure people know

keep the programme running smoothly

... could this be you?


Shemira (watching over the departed)

This simple task is of great comfort to a bereaved family.

It just involves staying with the deceased (for a few hours in a rota) until the funeral.

WHC member Lucy is our volunteer Shemira coordinator,  and she will be happy to tell you more...